This tutorial was created within the framework of the "Sampling" Working Group led by the BRGM at the request of the Ministry in charge of the Environment. It is intended for operators in charge of soil sampling during site diagnoses of (potentially) polluted soils. Its objectives are to improve soil sampling practices and limit their impact on the results of analysis.
It introduces:
- soil sampling methods for the detection of organic compounds (especially volatile ones),
- good practices to minimize losses, to obtain a representative sample of the environment studied and to limit the impacts related to sampling,
- the main causes of loss of organic compounds.
The purpose of this tutorial is to educate samplers on sampling methods by providing essential information for the implementation of good practices. It is complementary to a good knowledge of the recommendations resulting from the standards in force.
It does not relate to the sampling strategy that must be defined beforehand according to the context and objectives.
It does not prejudge the adequacy of the different methods with the objectives of investigations.
The Guide to Good Sampling Practices (to be published by the end of 2020-beginning of 2021) will give general recommendations on drilling techniques and sampling methods taking into account the objectives of the study and the field contexts encountered (targeted pollutants, observed lithologies, ranges of concentrations ...). The state of the art as well as the results of the inter-comparison tests available will enrich this guide.
Soil sampling for organic compounds, including volatile - Services A200, A260 according to standard NF X31 620-2
En savoir plus :
Section ssp-InfoTerre - Tous les films
Méthodologie ministère chargé de l'environnement - Méthodologie nationale de gestion des sites et sols pollués
Rapport COELYS, RAMBOLL, BRGM - Essai d’inter-comparaison des techniques de forage et des méthodes d’échantillonnage pour les sols
Film BRGM - Prélèvements de sols pour les composés organiques, y compris volatils - Prestations A200, A260 selon norme NF X31 620-2
Guide méthodologique du ministère chargé de l'environnement - Diagnostic du site
Journée Technique SSP ministère chargé de l'environnement, BRGM, INERIS - Journée Technique n°16 du 07 novembre 2019 - Diaporama Retour d'expérience et facteurs d'influence